Living Water
We are surrounded by a world that is either trying to drink sand or despairing that they are thirsty creatures living in a universe with no water. And we – you and I – often join them in doing the same things: whether filling our mouths with sand or despairing of our hopeless condition. So let us come to Christ by having compassion on those around us and be conduits of the Holy Spirit in their lives. This is what Christ has called us to. This is the gift that God has given us. Amen.
Lead Us Not into Temptation, but Deliver Us from Evil, Part II
We need to declare war against sin in our lives. Explore your sources of strength, what do you have in your arsenal? How are you putting on the whole armor of God? Who is your accountability partner or confidant who will encourage you, help you to see your blind spots and one who you trust and talk about your struggles or mistakes in your life?
Lead Us Not into Temptation, but Deliver Us from Evil
So who do we fight? We fight the devil and the satanic forces that are at work in our lives. Living in this awareness of the enemy is essential to a thriving Christian life.
And Forgive Us Our Debts as We Forgive Our Debtors
As Jesus was nailed to the cross, he prayed that God would forgive the people that were killing him. Among those were you and me. Jesus wants us to live forgiven and to forgive. Who do you need to forgive today?
Give Us Our Daily Bread
Jesus said in John 4:34, “My FOOD is to do the will of the one who sent me to accomplish his work.” HE is our sustenance, his purpose for your life is what brings life. He is the bread of life, come to him and have your fill and go and tell others where they can find bread to eat as well.
Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done
Through the king and the kingdom, we find our place; one consuming passion. Are you living that way?
Hollowed be Thy Name
Dear friends, we have a wonderful and divine assignment: to declare the goodness of the Lord. God’s metric of success is faithfulness. After worship comes proclamation; we can share God’s goodness with those within our circle of influence.
Lord, Teach Us to Pray: Our Father in Heaven
Our father connects us to every person on this planet. Herse’s why: not everyone is a part of the family and he’s calling us to live as children of God in the world. We are his representatives. HE is with us all the time and we are his ambassadors.
The Father’s Extravagant Blessing
In a world that is often hard and chaotic, God has bent down to bless you personally. God of infinite benefits gives them to you. And though the world may frown, God’s beaming countenance is upon you.
When God Spoke Human
If you want to know that God is like, look at Jesus, what was the God that Jesus loved and served? Who was that good and beautiful God? Who is the father that Jesus served and worshipped? That what God is like.
Here’s Hope: From Disappointment to Assurance
Hold your theology lightly and your faith tightly. You may make your journey through this life and never have a moment of question or doubt, that’s possible, but if you’re one of those people that sometimes struggle with things, then you’re in excellent company.
Advent Candle Readings 2023
Light the candles of Advent this season with Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love.
Here’s Hope: The Kingdom of God Among Us
The kingdom of God is among us. Come alive and live in victory through Jesus Christ.
Here’s Hope: Jesus Cares About You
My friends, the time is coming when hope will be realized. The cross, the resurrection and the return of Christ will make all things new for you and for me. This is our hope.
With God It Gets Better and Better
Why invest your resources sacrificially in God’s Kingdom? Because everything you own is his already; he expects you to give sacrificially to his work on earth; and he needs what you can give.
Living Wisely by Being Ready to Meet God Today
The first Christians knew that Jesus would return “next,” and that he might come back tomorrow. So they made sure they were ready today. They shared their faith at any public cost. They lived holy lives at any personal cost. And they “turned the world upside down” (Acts 17:6) and became the most powerful spiritual movement in human history. Not with buildings and programs. With lives sold out to Jesus Christ, lived with urgency and passion, ready every day to meet Jesus. That’s the best way to step into eternity, and the best way to live on earth.
Leftover Pumpkins
Sometimes in life we may feel like Leftover Pumpkins, but remember we are Carved by our Creator God.
Heaven: Our Living Hope
A life well lived is its own reward. But the payoff is also for eternity. On the day when I take the Lord’s Supper from nail-scarred hands, and step into the heaven of the One I love and serve on earth, whatever it costs me today to live for heaven will be worth it forever. I want that for my soul and for yours. So let’s live for heaven together. Will you join me?
The Most Vital Question of Our Day
By definition Heaven is a realm which transcends our earthly ability to verify its existence. But Jesus came from there, and returned there. We know that he walked our planet, breathed our air, faced our sin, died on our cross, rose from our grave. We believe in heaven because Jesus believed in heaven. And because we believe in him.
Defeating the Enemy on Earth
Until we get to heaven, we must do battle on earth. You’re in the conflict this morning. There are Hamas spies all around you. At least one is assigned to you today. How are you being attacked? Are you battling discouragement, gossip, lust, anger, hatred, bitterness, guilt, despair? We all are. We’re all in the same conflict. How will you win the victory?