You are Wanted and Important
Jesus is waiting for you to come home. Home to his stable, and one day to his throne room. Home to his love.
Finding Life-Transcending Joy
Have you given your faith and life to Jesus Christ? Are you sharing that faith through your words, your work, and your witness, through your example and your life?
Advent Candle Readings 2024
Readings to correspond with the lighting of the Advent Candles, December 2024.
A Living Hope
Seek ways to share his hope, his joy, his help with the hurting and lonely hearts you meet. Ask God each day to make you his instrument of life-giving hope. Be John the Baptizer to your Jerusalem. Announce the coming of the Lord, until he returns. You will find no greater significance or joy than in giving the gift of Jesus, in this the season of his birth.
God’s Abundant Provisions
The word challenges us to trust God in our times of need, to offer Him whatever we have, and to obey His leading with faith. As we do so, we can be assured that God will provide abundantly, turning our scarcity into overflowing blessings.
Why Thanksgiving is Important to God
When you see who God is, and what he does in the past, present, and future, can you hold back your thanks and praise? Does he not deserve our attitude of gratitude, thanksgiving as a daily experience and lifestyle? This is how you experience God, in all his holiness and power, grace and glory.
A Better Life Through Christ
Why be content? Because Jesus is better. Materialism is a major sin, because you are saying Jesus is not enough. Two things that reveal we are consumed by materialism: 1) You are not content, and 2) you are not a giver.
The Gift and the Blessing
Honor the Lord and He will bless you, in ways that you never dreamed of.
A Tale of Two Priests
We rejoice that Jesus enlarged the tent so that whosoever wills, may come and have an abundant life. Hallelujah to the King!
Melchizedek: A Picture of Jesus
The secret things belong to the Lord, additionally, our ancient faith tells us that God has provided a way for us to be connected to Him through the perfect work of Christ.
Christ, Our Promise
He is the mediator of a better covenant, with a better hope. He’s the bringer of a better promise and a better sacrifice, better substance, a better country, a better resurrection, a covenant not earthly but heavenly.
God Perseveres in Us
Is your faith weak and ill? Look to Jesus. Be healed. Run on. Finish well.
Imitate Jesus
We want to give to others and to treat them with kindness and forgiveness. In this way, we can act like Jesus and imitate Him.
The Sure and Steadfast Anchor of our Soul
Look at how self-centered this question: “Can I lose, MY salvation?” It is a ridiculous question. No, you cannot lose your salvation, because you can’t lose something you did not gain. You did nothing for it, you can’t lose it.
An Invitation to Enter into God’s Rest
Some of us come to church burdened with the cares of life, we may feel disappointed, depressed, hopeless and we think “I can’t do it anymore.” Then we hear someone next to us sing and rejoice and hope begins to flourish, excitement begins to show up in our life, we feel strength once again.
Jesus: Our Supreme Leader
The Word of God to you this morning is, "Consider Jesus." And hope in him. Then you will be part of his house and he will be your Maker, your Owner, your Ruler, and your Provider.
The Family of God: A Family Like No Other
My friends, in Christ, we have a new family and a new culture. Christ is our sibling that does wonders for us like taking our sins upon him. Through Christ we are forgiven and we have an inheritance like no other. This is the word of the Lord for you and for me. Rejoice.