Advent Candle Readings 2023
Light the candles of Advent this season with Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love.
Stewardship-Jesus Knocks on the Door
Jesus tells us to hold onto our faith so it will be our solid rock of support when we need it. Correction—Jesus will be our solid rock of support when we need him.
Stewardship-Eating Jesus’ Flesh
Jesus wants his followers to be like a well-made loaf of bread, nourishing and filling. Above all else, Jesus wants us to share his love just as we share the cup and the loaf at the communion table—a place where all are welcome. Stewardship is less about what we do, and more about what God does for and with us.
Stewardship-From East and West
We are stewards of Christ’s message of love and redemption. We should not hoard it and hide it. It is not our place to decide who are worthy, who is allowed to sit at Christ’s table. Jesus says people from all over will come and eat plenty.
Stewardship-The Last Supper
Jesus gave of Himself—body, blood—to bring redemption to us and reconcile us to God. He has set the example for us. Stewardship is more than just giving money to build up God’s Realm. Stewardship involves all of our being—heart, soul, time, talent.