Our Job is to Love Jesus
Loving Jesus is the key to his power and help, wherever we need them most. Then, if you love Jesus and help others to love Jesus, when they are before the throne of Jesus one day, they will spend eternity thanking him for you.
Why We Can Trust the Bible
God’s word requires God’s help. You and I cannot unseal its meaning ourselves. But when Jesus opens it to us, it reveals all that we need to know about the past, present, and future.
Meeting the Real Jesus
Millions of Americans think that going to church makes them Christians, just as living in America makes us Americans. But it’s not true. Christians are people who worship Jesus with their lives, who have a life-changing personal relationship with him as their Lord. When last did you worship Jesus as heaven does today? When next will you?
The Jesus of Revelation
Try harder to do better. Make religion a part of your life, to be sure. But don’t get carried away–all things in moderation. Be sincere in your beliefs and tolerant of others, and we’ll all get along.
Our Life in The Spirit from Romans 8
We have the fullness of God in Salvation. We have been given His Holy Spirit that energizes our lives, directs us, helps us in our weaknesses, and through Christ Jesus we have now inherited all God has for us as son and daughter for Himself, to love, to live with Him in the overwhelming victorious life through the new Spirit.
The Benefits of Being in God’s Will
How do we know we are God’s children even when we are far from home? Nothing can take us from God’s hand (John 10:28). Our children are still our children, wherever they live.
The Only “Place” That Matters
Are you in the will of God today? Are you faithful to serve God where you find yourself? Are you close to God spiritually, wherever you are located physically?
Good is Now Close at Hand
Perhaps our so-called realism is not so realistic after all. Maybe immersing ourselves in calculating, hard-headed, practical reality simply encourages mediocrity. What we need is more dreams, more visions of the way things ought to be, especially when it is God who promises to be with us on the quest.
Lifting Each Other Up
So together we hope, we trust, we pray and act for what we do not yet see, because within what is uncertain is what is possible.
Hearts Open Wide
As you engage people, events and other opportunities, remember that whatever your role, you are doing something important: participating in the mission of God in your world. Do so with your heart pointing outward, not inward. Be vulnerable. Trust in God.
Dwelling and Being with God
Each one of us is called to come and dwell in God's loving presence. May we answer that call by making time and space in our lives.
Boasting in Hope
There is certainly enough pain in the world to go around. But when we love one another, granting each other dignity and worth, then our boasting in our suffering will compel us forward.
The Hope for America
The 33rd Psalm concludes with this prayer: “May your unfailing love rest upon us, O Lord, even as we put our hope in you” (v. 22). Would you make these words your intercession for America and for our world today?
The God Who Provides
My friends, we never know the time table. When God meets our needs, He does this out of compassion and we learn a lesson on trust. We offer our meager offering and he multiples it and when we look back, we can see God’s hands guiding us. We will need to trust, and we will see answered prayer, the meeting of our needs, and we’ll experience the profound blessing that all that we have is a gift from God.
The Persistence of God
When we struggle to see, when the darkness appears to be winning, the greatest weapon at our disposal is prayer, for it is in prayer that we join the work of God in the world.
The God Who Redeems
Do you know how much God loves you, how far God would go to bless you, to redeem you and restore your soul. God has a hope for you and there is no qualification, other than to receive that love and mercy that God has for us.
God’s Call
The future of the church is dependent on God’s calling and our response, pursuing our calling together. As individuals, as family, as congregation, it is not just who we are, but what is God calling us to do. How is God calling you to go forward?
More people are open to spirituality than in a generation, right now. Christians have greater opportunity for ministry and witness than we have seen in 50 years. We are assured of God’s love, and given access to his power, by his Spirit alive in our hearts. Are you available to him today?