
Sermon St. John's UCC Sermon St. John's UCC

Advent Stories: So Close, Yet So Far From Christmas

I would have joined those shepherds and angels in worshipping him. I would have given him my heart and life. I would have told the story to everyone I could. He would have been at the center of that Christmas celebration, and of my life. If only I'd known who he was.

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Sermon St. John's UCC Sermon St. John's UCC

Messengers of God's Hope

This Advent season, how are you preparing the way for God to come into your life? In the midst of the darkness and brokenness all around, how are you opening yourself to receive the babe born in Bethlehem? What sort of road “broad and smooth” are you clearing in your heart? In this time of waiting and watching, how will you be a messenger of God's hope?

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Sermon St. John's UCC Sermon St. John's UCC

Hold On to Faith

By letting the spirit guide our thoughts we can become calm until we let the kindness of the Lord our God be over us and the works of our hands last. May all of us Hold on to our faith.

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Reading St. John's UCC Reading St. John's UCC

Stewardship-Eating Jesus’ Flesh

Jesus wants his followers to be like a well-made loaf of bread, nourishing and filling. Above all else, Jesus wants us to share his love just as we share the cup and the loaf at the communion table—a place where all are welcome. Stewardship is less about what we do, and more about what God does for and with us.

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Reading St. John's UCC Reading St. John's UCC

Stewardship-From East and West

We are stewards of Christ’s message of love and redemption. We should not hoard it and hide it. It is not our place to decide who are worthy, who is allowed to sit at Christ’s table. Jesus says people from all over will come and eat plenty.

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Sermon St. John's UCC Sermon St. John's UCC

Where is God?

Where is God?

My answer: God is our ability to choose how we will react to any situation that confronts us.

God is our ability to choose how we will react to any situation that confronts us.

Whether we choose to react with loathing or love. In love, there is God. Whether we choose to react with hate or healing. In healing, there is God. Whether we choose to react with division or togetherness.

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Reading St. John's UCC Reading St. John's UCC

Stewardship-The Last Supper

Jesus gave of Himself—body, blood—to bring redemption to us and reconcile us to God. He has set the example for us. Stewardship is more than just giving money to build up God’s Realm. Stewardship involves all of our being—heart, soul, time, talent.

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Sermon St. John's UCC Sermon St. John's UCC

Being Peaceful and Brave

We can see ourselves brave. We can lay our armor down and put our pride aside. To welcome God’s beloved community fully. To embrace the vision of the Beloved Community, not some revenge fantasy. For the beloved community is good news. It shall stop our warring madness. If we are brave enough to act on it. Not just intend it with thoughts and prayers, but actively engage in the work.

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Sermon St. John's UCC Sermon St. John's UCC

The Journey of Christian Maturity

Spiritual maturity grasps the truth that God is involved in our world, accomplishing his redemptive purposes and that when he lay hold of me, he invited me into that process as well, to be part of his church, to pursue his redemptive purposes in this world, to lay hold of that which Christ lay hold of us. What could be more important in our lives?

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Sermon St. John's UCC Sermon St. John's UCC

The Conspiracy of Kindness

The destiny that we have, you and I, is the very real transformation of our lives, the renovation of our hearts, it’s what God longs for, it’s why He gave the Son for, it’s why he poured out the spirit, it’s why he formed the church. He wanted a people who more and more resembled his Son Jesus in the way they lived their lives, in the things they valued, how they talk, how they speak of others and how they treat others, and how they serve others. He did not want just a bunch of nice people, he wanted people who sacrificially served in his name.

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Sermon St. John's UCC Sermon St. John's UCC

How to Be of the Same Mind

We pray, Lord, that you would help us learn to walk with humility, to walk in the light of the cross and to serve freely, and fully, and joyfully one another as long as we have opportunity.

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