A Vital Conversation About God’s Grace
Grace is the root, the good works, the changed life, is the fruit. We can’t earn it, or deserve it, but we can live out of it and begin to see, by the grace of God, our lives changed.
A Vital Conversation About Life’s Longings
Salvation is not in going to the right mountain, it is about going to the right person, Jesus Christ, whose arms are wide open to whosoever believes.
A Vital Conversation About Eternal Life
“Very truly, I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God without being born from above.” John 3:3
A Call to Simple Loyalty
Jesus never called us to niceness, he called us to a radical love, that loves the person that is different than we are, not just to be nice to people. He taught us to have a radical love that looks like the cross and to follow him wholeheartedly.
A Call to Simple Love
God desires to gather a people of all nations who love him wholeheartedly and teach others to love unselfishly. This is the will of God for His church, this is what eternity will look like.
Let the Fire be Your Guide
Sometimes life can be a wilderness and it requires the direction and leadership of God.
Joyfully Engaging the Mission of God
Only the church is given the task to declare God. We must protect the identity of the church and this can be a full time job.
Following the Living God
When we create our own God, we rob him of his uniqueness. God’s uniqueness is that He is holy.
Finding God in Unexpected Places
The wilderness experience is us when we go through a period of diagnosis and recovery, when life appears to have no balance, it is an uncomfortable place and it is a time when we ask soul-searching questions.
Helpful Questions for Today and Tomorrow
During the wilderness experience it is important for us to remember who we are and who we are following.
Keeping a Steady Flame
We can’t answer for all Christians or all Evangelicals, but we can answer for ourselves. We can keep a steady flame by staying connected to God and one another. We can choose the politics of Jesus over worldly power. And we can embrace the truth wherever we find it and whatever it costs us.
The Word of Christmas: Redemption
Our redemption comes from God’s only begotten Son who comes to our lives through personal invitation and promises to be with us eternally. Hallelujah, we are redeemed!
The Five Words of Christmas: Joy
Joy wells up from the deepest parts of who we are, whereas happy works its way in from the outside, based on our outward circumstances.
The Five Words of Christmas: Guidance
God sent Joseph the direction he needed when he needed it, not before. He’ll do the same for me and for you.
The Five Words of Christmas: Blessed
Why did God send Jesus? To bless you! Jesus spoke and extraordinary blessing over you in John 17 (His “High Priestly Prayer”). Your happiness matters to your heavenly Father. Blessed and happy indeed are they who believe.
The Five Words of Christmas: Favor
The more we experience God’s transforming love, the more we will be empowered and motivated to share it with every person we can. And the more we will love them as we are loved.
Making God’s Deeds Known
Let us praise the Lord for all He has done for us today. To call upon His name as we remember how He has loved us and taken care of us through the good times, the bad times, and the confusing time.
Our Gifts to God’s Glory
The giver is blessed, the giver is rewarded, and the giver receives more back from God than what they gave in the first place.
Peace and Laughter
It’s a Holy Hope that says during Easter and today, when Jesus told us “peace be with you,” it will make a difference. Life will not be the same. Like Thomas, may it mark our lives with a purpose, with meaning, and a new direction.