Peace and Laughter
It’s a Holy Hope that says during Easter and today, when Jesus told us “peace be with you,” it will make a difference. Life will not be the same. Like Thomas, may it mark our lives with a purpose, with meaning, and a new direction.
Knowing That We Know- Three Tests
You don’t know that you know Jesus by passing any test, but by accepting His free gift of amazing grace. And if you think you deserved guilt, and got forgiveness instead, that’s a great sign that you know that you know Jesus.
The Litmus Test of Knowing Jesus
It’s not possible to be without sin, and we sometimes stumble and fall. But a true Christian has a desire and a devotion to obey our Master.
How God Restores His Children
Don’t conceal your sins – that leads to painful consequences. Instead confess your sins and correct your sins by focusing on the holiness of Jesus.
What Are We To Do With Our Sins?
Brother and sisters be warned that if you insist on concealing your sins, you’ll have to face the painful consequences.
Lessons About God: Holiness and Forgiveness
Be sure in your Relationship with God and strong in Fellowship with Him.
Sweet Fellowship with the God of Light
God is indeed light, and in Him there is no darkness at all. In Christ we are reconciled to God and are in fellowship with the light.
Actively Rejoicing in Christ
A real Christian knows Jesus is real. A real Christian fellowships with God and with the Family. And a real Christian rejoices in the Lord.
Being in Christ
Do you know Jesus Christ or do you just know about him? Is he just some historical figure like Socrates or Plato or do you really know him? That’s what the Christian life is all about.