
Sermon St. John's UCC Sermon St. John's UCC

The Blessing of a Spiritual Father

Ask God to guide you. Choose your model from Scripture and from life. As Hezekiah chose his spiritual father, so can you. And ask God to use you, to make you a spiritual father to those who need one.

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Sermon St. John's UCC Sermon St. John's UCC

Faith and Cynicism

May God help us as we move beyond cynicism as we focus on the greatness of God and our potential for good in our world.

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Sermon St. John's UCC Sermon St. John's UCC

God’s Spirit, God’s People on a Mission

Many of us approach ministry and evangelism as though we are on trial; in fact, the Lord Jesus is on trial. You are the witness, called to the stand to share what you have experienced personally. The verdict is not up to you. Your job is simply to tell what you know.

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Sermon St. John's UCC Sermon St. John's UCC

Overcoming Apathy and Indifference

Only the good shepherd, when we have a clear vision, primarily his love for us, can provide what we truly need. Over and over again, we need to plead: “Lord, remind me of how much you love me.”

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Sermon St. John's UCC Sermon St. John's UCC

Discovering Rest When You’re Exhausted Part 2

Listen to his invitation again: “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” Matthew 11:28-30

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Sermon St. John's UCC Sermon St. John's UCC

Discovering Rest When You’re Exhausted, Part 1

Jesus was often busy but he was never in a hurry, because he knew exactly who he was, and he followed the lord and he was confident in his love with the father and that’s the way we can live as well. So, how is your pace, how are you doing? Would you describe your life as, yes, experiencing a lot of unrest, dis-ease, in your spirit?

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Sermon St. John's UCC Sermon St. John's UCC

Discovering Peace in Anxiety, Part 2

The grace of God has come to us and as the deer pants for the water our soul cries out to God because he has made us for himself and you will never find rest, until you turn to him and give your life to him.

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Sermon St. John's UCC Sermon St. John's UCC

Discovering Peace in Anxiety, Part I

Don’t be surprised when you have to reconstruct your friend group, constantly, during the seasons of life. You’ve got to stay faithful and reach out to others, this is God’s plan for you. We’re never meant to be alone and what happens with our mental illness and challenges that we face is that we tend to alienate and isolate ourselves. Don’t let it happen.

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Sermon St. John's UCC Sermon St. John's UCC

Come to Christ, the King of Peace

We’re longing for, we hungering for a better world. Everybody knows it, believer or not, the world is broken. We’re like a fish out of water, gasping for air, we know that this is not what it’s supposed to be. So even our grief is an expression of faith.

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Sermon St. John's UCC Sermon St. John's UCC

Living Water

We are surrounded by a world that is either trying to drink sand or despairing that they are thirsty creatures living in a universe with no water. And we – you and I – often join them in doing the same things: whether filling our mouths with sand or despairing of our hopeless condition. So let us come to Christ by having compassion on those around us and be conduits of the Holy Spirit in their lives. This is what Christ has called us to. This is the gift that God has given us. Amen.

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Sermon St. John's UCC Sermon St. John's UCC

Lead Us Not into Temptation, but Deliver Us from Evil, Part II

We need to declare war against sin in our lives. Explore your sources of strength, what do you have in your arsenal? How are you putting on the whole armor of God? Who is your accountability partner or confidant who will encourage you, help you to see your blind spots and one who you trust and talk about your struggles or mistakes in your life?

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